Friday, March 7, 2014

We already have a day and I'm still insecure!

You know today is International Women's Day and I was thinking about how hard is to be a woman and I'm not even talking about hair, nails or  those extremely annoying days of our period, I am talking about how confident we need to be. Look, when you're not as the society pattern, not everybody of course, but some people judges you "that one is fat, that one is too thin, that one is too short or too tall", I know it can happen also with men, but please, this is more common with girls, so as I said before we need to be very confident to live a life without giving a fuck about what people thinks, however, this is a very difficult thing to get, because we see everyday the pattern we "must" follow on the tv, in magazines, books, etc.
Although we girls know everything I just said, some of us are still insecure with ourselves, and I say that because I am actually one of them ,without even noticing I caught myself thinking about things so futile that it's even embarrassing to talk about, then I realize I'm already trying to be just like the "model" and it makes me a little sad because nothing sounds right when you try to be "perfect".
This shouldn't be a problem in 21st century, but that's the reality, my reality, I'm too futile, I'm too stupid to think that people will like just what they see and not what they know about me... well I hope they don't, because if they do it I prefer not be friend with them.

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